

Our Physiotherapy Service

We treat a variety of conditions at Physio Art ranging from acute sprains to ongoing back pain. A physiotherapy session will typically involve the following; We allow up to an hour for your first assessment*, this includes a full assessment and initial treatment too. The aim of this first session is for us to identify the exact nature of your injury or pain, work out the possible underlying causes, and then decide on a plan of action that is going to suit you and your lifestyle. 

The assessment starts with a discussion so you can tell us about the history of your problem; it’s behaviour presently and how it makes you feel. We then do a physical assessment that usually involves having a look at your movement as well as doing some specific tests. People often like to bring shorts and vests tops for this. By the end of this first session we aim for you to fully understand your injury or pain so that you can start to take part in it’s treatment. (*45 min session for insurance)



Towards the end of the first session we will discuss with you the options regarding a management plan and then get started on your treatment. Often musculo-skeletal dysfunction, pain and injury occur as a result of problems with the way we move. Imbalances in the muscular system can put stress on the body, which then starts to cause pain.

Inevitably an exercise programme will form a big part of your physiotherapy treatment. We are specifically trained in the prescription of exercise therapy to address any biomechanical issue or muscle imbalance you may have that is having a direct impact on your injury or pain.

To help treat your pain so that you can complete your exercise programme

Manual Therapy
Including sports massage, joint mobilisation and manipulation

Sometimes we just talk…
Often addressing lifestyle issues, barriers to overcoming pain, fears and negative beliefs associated with your injury, or making changes to work/training habits is all that is needed to enable you to take a positive step towards overcome your injury or pain.



The absolute last thing we want is for you to return 6 months later with the same injury. Unfortunately injuries have a habit of recurring. We are confident that we can provide you with a long term management programme, that will enable you to remain in control of your condition. We will take responsibility for making sure it is achievable. We also believe that if you understand why you need to comply with the programme you will be more likely to do it. We’ll take responsibility for that too! Ultimately though it’s down to you! Let’s not let these injuries re-occur. Together we’ll crack it!

Who can benefit

Almost anyone can benefit from a physiotherapy assessment. We treat a wide range of ages and currently our youngest patient is 9 and our oldest is 85. Whether it be a shoulder niggle on the golf course, a sore knee after tennis, grumbling neck pain, or acute back pain we have the skills to assess, treat and manage your problem.

We see some people who don’t have pain and who are just keen to improve their performance – either in the playing field or at work. Rather like taking your car for an MOT we can do a full body check to make sure everything is working as it should. This may help prevent pain from looming later on.


Our Professional Body

Our physiotherapists are registered with the regulatory body for physiotherapists: the Health Professions Council (or HPC). The HPC is an independent, UK-wide health regulator for thirteen different professions including physiotherapy.

We are also members of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is our professional, educational and trade union body. They support us in our quest of providing excellent patient care, by producing standards and guidelines for us to follow to ensure best practice at all times.

For more information please visit The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

  • Our qualification is properly recognised
  • We are governed by a professional code of conduct
  • We are covered by professional liability insurance

To arrange an appointment or to speak to a physiotherapist, call us on or email

  • Testimonials

    "The physiotherapy service I’ve received at Physio Art from Ruth has been absolutely life changing. I’ve never been stronger, more mobile or more aware of my own body. The exercises in the app have been easy to follow and remember, and more importantly I’ve been able to step down from more invasive treatment for my back and get back to work."


  • Testimonials

    "Sophie has helped me rehab a long standing shoulder issue resulting from overuse of playing tennis and other racket sports. She was quick to identify the condition, gave an accurate timeline of recovery and helped my put in place various exercises over the next few months to get to a state where I can exercise and play sports free of the pain again. I'd highly recommend Sophie and Physio Art."


  • Testimonials

    "There is nowhere else I would go than Physio Art. My 11-year old son had an emergency appointment with Adhip for a very painful lower leg and he was absolutely brilliant. His knowledge and advice was excellent and the results began to show during the appointment. Every physio we have seen there has been highly professional, incredibly helpful and so kind. "


  • Testimonials

    "I have complete trust in Sarah whom I have seen on a number of occasions for different problems. She always listens intently and delves deep into my experience so I feel completely confident in the course of treatment she recommends. I love that she is so good at explaining what is affecting the problem and often there is more at play than just the mechanics of the body. Any consultation with Sarah is fascinating as well as healing!"


  • Testimonials

    "I have been a Physio Art client for many years, accessing physios for both injury and long term back problems as well as Pilates classes. Sarah and her team have my full trust and I don’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone. Their knowledge and care is second to none and they always go that extra mile to ensure that the treatment and advice you receive is personalised to your needs."

  • Testimonials

    "Physioart has built itself to be a clinic with a special vibe about it, a relaxed but professional space that allows the clients to feel listened to, whilst also knowing their receiving the optimum evidence based care. The physios working here really know their stuff, and are genuinely kind and brilliant people. "

  • Testimonials

    "I have used the services of Physio Art to treat three different conditions with a successful outcome on each occasion. Grateful thanks to both Sarah and Sophie. I have no hesitation in recommending Physio Art."

  • Testimonials

    "A vibrant and energetic clinic with top class comprehensive treatment. The professionalism was second to none and I couldn’t recommend this clinic highly enough. Sarah Duncton, the founder is so passionate and dedicated to her patient’s every need."


  • Testimonials

    "Sophie is an absolute life saver. Visited her with very bad pain in my shoulder & neck due to extremely tight muscles. An hour later I left feeling looser and my pain significantly reduced."


  • Testimonials

    "All the physios at PhysioArt are amazing and really know what they’re talking about. They treat their clients with empathy and understanding and make sure they are working towards the clients individual goals. Would definitely recommend."


Book an Appointment

If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions then please get in touch using one of the methods below.

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Our Location

165 Knightlow Road, Harborne, B17 8PY

Our Email

Working Hours

Mon-Thurs-Fri: 8AM-8PM
Tue-Wed: 8AM-5PM
Sat: 9AM-1PM

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